The story of how Mosaic Dance Inc. came to be is one rooted in resilience, determination, and friendship.

Our Co-founders, Company Directors, and many the bulk of our current members were all dancers in Rainbow Tribe, Inc. While Rainbow Tribe dissolved as a as a company and non-profit organization dissolved in the Fall of 2021, longtime Rainbow Tribe dancer Katie Suyematsu worked to keep the dancers together and form what is now Mosaic Dance Inc.

Katie’s initial goal was to carry on the legacy of those who had run the company before her, and bring it into a new era. During the early months of 2022, Katie’s intention for her company evolved. This was her first time as an Artistic Director of a dance company, so she sought the advice and guidance of Missy Webster and Christin Caplan. They all came to the conclusion that this new company was transforming into something different; Rainbow Tribe had brought them all together, but ultimately they had our own mission, vision, and goals for the future. Shortly after, the three became co-founders of what is now Mosaic Dance Inc in an effort to establish a new mission and vision for the company.

By definition, a mosaic uses small, uniquely shaped pieces of various materials to make a work of art. Our name perfectly describes what we are all about as a multi-genre dance company. We embrace dancers of all shapes, sizes, colors, and backgrounds. As individuals, every dancer stands out in their own way. When we perform together, we create something new and beautiful for all to see. 

Our Core Values


We strive to foster a welcoming environment for all dancers in our company rehearsals, workshops and showcases. Furthermore, our community engagement and partnership anchor our mission, allowing us to create a positive social impact through dance.


Above all, our dancers are creative storytellers. We center their artistry, personalities, and unique skillsets throughout our performances and hope to create a similar creative spark in our audiences.


Our creative process is based in the diversity of our dancers, in their ability to work alongside each other and bring their unique skills and perspectives into an engaging performance.

From our fundraising, to our social media, and our project management, our company is entirely powered by our members who contribute their time, energy and effort to growing Mosaic, both in and out of the studio.